DiDaPro HTML Editor / Viewer


Registration Info for DiDa Pro

Upon registration you will receive an URL where you could d/l the 16bit & 32bit versions of DiDaPro, or DiDaPro can be sent to you via email.

Product NameSingle UserSite LicensingUnlimited Licensing
DiDaPro (16bit + 32bit) 30 195 295
Prices are in US dollars. Please contact me if you would like to register in other currencies.

Upon registration you will receive an URL to download the software (normally within 24hrs), or the software can be send to you via email.

*To avoid any possible delays, please inform me by email once you have registered.

Register with Credit Cards

You may register on-line with your credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Novus brand cards) via REGNET at the following links:

REGNET can also be contacted by
Phone1 800 WWW2REG (1 800 999-2734) (Toll Free, U.S. & Canada)
(801) 355-5110 (International)
Fax(801) 531-0621
*Please note there is an additional Service & Handling fee of US$5 if you register via REGNET.

Register by Mail

You may register via mail by

Please make your cheque / money order payable to FAI GODFREY KO.

Send to:

PO BOX 710

*To avoid any possible delays, please inform me by email once you have registered.

[DiDa Home Page]